Pete,a customer on one of our Kites and board with his BVI report

Hey Jeremy,

Sorry so late getting back to you on this but coming back to the office after being away for a week… Well you know the deal, complete hell storm of work to tend to.  Anyway, the trip was a huge success and we all had a great time.   I was the only kiter of the group so my time on the water was limited to the Bitter End, Sandy Key and the Bite which is right across the way from you I think.  In fact your partner said I should not have been kiting there due to the airport restrictions so sorry about that.


The first sail was the Moorings straight to the Bitter End.  This was my favorite location and the kiting there was epic with your 14 meter.  Second day was north around Tortola and we mostly sailed the whole day.  Day three Sandy Key which served up some awesome jumps and tons of boats to cruise around and show off.  I loved that day more than anything I think.  Day four was Deadman’s Cove which sucked for kiting because of the sketchy wind in there.  The beach was sweet though.  Day five Norman Island and not much kiting there.  Day six was The Bite which was good but the current was difficult to stay up wind.  In fact I could not stay up wind and my buddy had to come get me on the dingy.


All in all the trip was awesome and I now know the best kiting spots for my next visit and I will be sure to let you know if I can rent your equipment.  Attached are a few pics of me.  Of course my friends suck at taking good pictures but at least you can print them and show other customers your gear is good.